In the evolving landscape of scientific research, breakthroughs continue to shape our understanding of the
27 October, 2023
Poland’s most talented young scientists. NCN prizes for 2023 awarded
On October 11, NCN awards were presented to the winners. The National Science Center awards

19 July, 2023
Researchers from the University of Gdańsk have developed new forms of a popular anti-inflammatory drug
Researchers from the University of Gdańsk have developed new forms of the well-known drug nimesulide,

13 June, 2023
Do microorganisms damage facades? Microbial growth on the facade as a hard condition matrix
Façades protect buildings from weathering and allow covering the wall with aesthetic taste. Additionally, façades

27 May, 2023
Molecure – Polish pioneer in small molecule drug discovery
Small molecule drugs are very popular in pharmacology. What makes them different from large-molecule drugs

24 March, 2023
Researching new substances for wound treatment – Interview with Kaja Turzanska, PhD student at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
What is your current research focus? For my PhD project, I am studying BODIPY chemicals.

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