Many sectors of the economy have been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The new
31 July, 2023
Radom Airport’s benefits and overall costs of the project – predictions and actual numbers of Warsaw-Radom airport
Aviation Development For years humanity dreamed of breaking into the sky - the air sphere

26 June, 2023
6-digit code that turned the payment system upside down – the history of BLIK
The history of mobile payments dates back to the 1990s, when the Japanese began using

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Poland – the economic tiger
Preliminary estimates of Poland's GDP for the first quarter of 2023 have been published by

Business/ManagementDevelopmentEconomics/EconometricsEnvironmental SciencesLifestyleModern LanguagesPoliticsSocial Policy/AdministrationSocial Sciences/ManagementUniversity Applications
Polish-French Cooperation: How Can We Make Use of It? Interview with the Coordinator of the Paris Polish Forum 2023
Last weekend marked another edition of the Paris Polish Forum—an event aimed at French students

Changes in the real estate market – digital transformation of the banking and real estate industries
Contactless payments, cryptocurrencies, new solutions for cashless transactions - these are just a few examples

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