Proud of being Poles - read the new issue of the Coopernicus Quarterly!
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Ulster University
16 June, 2023
What should we do with shipwrecks? Tracking changes at underwater heritage sites

Why are shipwrecks important? Shipwrecks not only provide unique opportunities to investigate relatively unaltered archaeological

Knowledge article main photo
08 May, 2023
Robotics in medicine – does Poland have a chance to become a leader of the field?

Medical robotics is a field of medical technology that uses robots to facilitate and improve diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation processes. The text touches on an aspect of the letter of intent to establish a University Center for Robotic Medicine.

Knowledge article main photo
21 April, 2023
Knowledge article main photo
18 February, 2023
Brachytherapy – over a century of fighting cancer with radiation. How is it used today?

History of radiologyIt is difficult to describe the insights of the field of radiology without

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