Proud of being Poles - read the new issue of the Coopernicus Quarterly!
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18 March, 2024
Artificial intelligence is not an existential threat to humanity

Karol Horosin says this new technology should be approached with optimism. He shares his thoughts

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01 November, 2023
Sustainable innovation – EcoBean for climate

Coffee has become an integral part of the morning routine around the world. It may

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27 October, 2023
Poland’s most talented young scientists. NCN prizes for 2023 awarded

On October 11, NCN awards were presented to the winners. The National Science Center awards

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23 October, 2023
Evolution of violence. Discoveries from the Middle East

Recent archaeological research on violence in the ancient Near East draws a new perspective on

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Knowledge article main photo
16 October, 2023
Nevomo employees being creators of the first levitating train

Nevomo's Director of Product Management and co-founder, Kacper Koniarski, and his team have developed a

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