Proud of being Poles - read the new issue of the Coopernicus Quarterly!
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14 March, 2024
Female scientists are not alone on their scientific path

The L'Oréal-UNESCO Global Program for Women and Science promotes women pursuing science. By providing scholarships

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12 February, 2024
Corporate trips without smartphones. How to truly relax?

Corporate trips without smartphones. That is, how to truly relax. OfflineOn is engaged in organizing

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06 September, 2023
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“Buying less – is it enough?” Sustainable fashion and environmental risks

Fashion is changing, various shopping occasions are coming up, and we are constantly buying new

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16 August, 2023
Do you have to be born as scientist? “Space goes to school” – connecting the space sector with school education

Traditional subjects taught at school, such as mathematics, Polish or history, are the foundation of

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26 June, 2023
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