February 15 – Roberta Metsola, the current President of the European Parliament, took part in
04 August, 2023
Report from V Our Future Forum: Internet – no man’s land? Who is responsible for the negative effects of social media and how should they be addressed?
During the 5th edition of the largest scientific conference for young people in Poland, which

Business/ManagementDevelopmentEconomics/EconometricsEnvironmental SciencesLifestyleModern LanguagesPoliticsSocial Policy/AdministrationSocial Sciences/ManagementUniversity Applications
Polish-French Cooperation: How Can We Make Use of It? Interview with the Coordinator of the Paris Polish Forum 2023
Last weekend marked another edition of the Paris Polish Forum—an event aimed at French students

Andrzej Lisiecki-Żurowski

Aleksandra Oleszycka
05 January, 2023
Helping Poles to gain employment in the EU institutions
There is no hiding the fact that membership of the European Union brings many benefits.

Filip Kuczyński-Piech
08 December, 2022
Do sanctions work? Polish 20 year old students from Yale have proven that the Russian economy is not as resilient as it seemed
Sanctions, which are a reaction of the international community to the breaches of international law

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