Every year, technological development accelerates at an impressive pace, changing the lives of new generations unrecognizable. Poland is one of the countries that has the potential for the development of new technology centers. Teams of top experts have tremendous capabilities to bring innovations to the market, but so do academic staff. Poland ranked a very high place in Europe in the ranking of the largest number of published scientific papers on AI.
Last week, the National Information Processing Institute published a report presenting a ranking of the largest publication achievements in the field of artificial intelligence. The ranking included papers published between 2010 and 2021. Preparing the ranking, the researchers were focused on areas that are actively developing artificial intelligence. Poland ranked fifth out of 27 European Union countries. Out of 949,000 publications on AI, about 14,000 (1.2%) were created thanks to the knowledge and experience of Polish scientists. An amazing achievement, which shows Poland’s significant influence on the development of artificial intelligence in the world!
It is thanks to scientific research and academic development that we owe the introduction of innovative solutions to the market. The greatest contribution to scientific publications included in the formation of the ranking was made by scientists from universities: AGH University of Science and Technology, Warsaw University of Technology, Wroclaw University of Technology and Silesian University of Technology.
Hopefully, the pace of development of Polish technological solutions and the number of opportunities to use them in the market will continue to grow. On behalf of the entire Coopernicus staff, we would like to congratulate the scientists who contributed to this achievement and wish them good luck in their further educational and academic opportunities.
1. National Information Processing Institute Raport: „Sztuczna inteligencja: osiągnięcia publikacyjne z nauk ścisłych i technicznych w latach 2010-2021”. Produced by a team consisting of Dr. Agata Frankowska, Bartosz Pawlik, Dr. Marzena Feldy, Anna Sobestjańska.
Bartosz Nyga