A team of researchers from Politechnika Rzeszowska, consisting of dr hab. Krzysztof Tereszkiewicz, Professor of Politechnika Rzeszowska and PhD eng. Łukasz Kulig from the Department of Management Informatics, Faculty of Management and Ph. D. Eng. Henryk Wachta from the Department of Power Electronics and Electrical Power Engineering at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science carried out a research project entitled “Application of Surface Analysis of Luminance Distribution in Measurements of Fat Content in Meat”
As Marta Jagiełowicz writes:
The developed solutions in the scope of the method and the measuring device obtained patent protection: P. 431552 pt. ‘Method for measuring the intramuscular fat content of meat, especially pork or beef’ and P. 431551 pt. ‘A device for measuring the intramuscular fat content of meat, especially pork or beef’.
The discovery also won a bronze medal at the INTARG 2022 International Innovation Fair in Katowice. Measurements of the surface luminance distribution known as the lighting technique used so far, for example in the field of architecture and road engineering, have been innovatively adopted by Prof. Tereszkiewicz’s team in food technology. The discovery exploits the phenomenon of differences in the brightness of adipose and muscle tissue. The measurement consists of taking a picture, from which individual areas of the surface can be identified towards the identification of fat and meat, which allows precise measurement of the fat content of the food. This method can be described as environmentally friendly, as it significantly reduces the consumption of chemical reagents and eliminates the difficulties associated with the disposal of their residues compared to previous methods.
According to Marta Jagiełowicz: Currently, the team is continuing research into the possibility of using luminance distribution measurement to evaluate the quality parameters of other food products. Inter-university cooperation has also been initiated towards the application of the method in medical diagnostics. The completed project is a good example of successful cooperation between researchers representing different fields of knowledge and representatives of the economic sector.
The solution proposed by scientists in the long run may find its application in nutrition, medicine and even zoology. We keep our fingers crossed for the further success of the team of scientists from Rzeszów University of Technology.
- An article published on the website of Politechnika Rzeszowska, tit. Innovative Technology for Measuring Fat Content in Food, 2023-03-20, ed. Marta Jagielowicz; URL: https://w. prz. edu. pl/uczelnia/nauka/innowacyjna-technologia-pomiaru-zawartosci-tluszczu-w-zywnosci-20. html
Magdalena Marynowska