Altruism, the selfless concern for the well-being of others, has long fascinated and perplexed humanity.
Kamil Wojtkowiak
Karol Kułacz
02 August, 2024
Role of Supercomputers in Computational Chemistry: Molecular Level Seen Through the prism of light of In Silico Experiments
In our daily lives, we do not often encounter the term "supercomputer" directly. However, these
Prof. Piotr Garbacz: You have to be pragmatic in your choices
Professor Piotr Garbacz has been an Associate Professor at the Institute for Linguistics and Scandinavian
PhD Katarzyna Dziubińska: Chemistry seemed fascinating from the perspective of a few-year-old child
How did your adventure with science begin?One of my childhood memories is my mother tutoring
25 July, 2024
Spaces that make us feel safe
Spaces that make us feel safe - neuro-architecture, friendly space station design, and why it's
25 July, 2024
What do bees have to do with space missions?
Although seemingly these small insects and space rocket launches have nothing in common, doctoral student
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