Proud of being Poles - read the new issue of the Coopernicus Quarterly!
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08 May, 2023
Robotics in medicine – does Poland have a chance to become a leader of the field?

Medical robotics is a field of medical technology that uses robots to facilitate and improve diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation processes. The text touches on an aspect of the letter of intent to establish a University Center for Robotic Medicine.

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Knowledge article main photo
12 April, 2023
Nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics – applications in research and clinical practice    

Nutrition research Nutrition science is a relatively new area of research. Recent nutrition studies try

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10 April, 2023
”Leave the hearts on Earth” – the success of Polish doctors

In August 2022, specialists from UCK WUM performed two successful heart transplants, both in pediatric patients. It was a milestone for transplantology conducted in WUM centres, the beginning of a planned program involving the transplantation of organs at UCK WUM as well as another opportunity to ask people for ‘leaving the hearts on Earth’ and promote organ donation.

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28 March, 2023
Knowledge article main photo
23 February, 2023
Sleep tight! About the rhythm of sleep

Sleep is a bizarre state of consciousness. Perception almost completely disappears, we cease to feel

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