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Warsaw to join AI research centres

ELLIS (the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems), as of 7 November has a new member – IDEAS NCBR, a research and development organisation focusing on the conduct and commercialisation of research.

International cooperation

The ELLIS Warsaw Branch is a new unit within the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems, which aims to become one of the most important centres responsible for research and commercialisation of research into artificial intelligence and the digital economy in Poland. As can be read on the website: ELLIS Warsaw is a platform that connects the business and academic community, and a place to train the best specialists in the field of AI in the spirit of scientific excellence. [1]

Main goals of the unit

The new unit is a significant step towards strengthening international cooperation on artificial intelligence between Poland and European centres. The unit itself will focus on conducting research in six areas:

  • Intelligent Algorithms and Learned Data Structures;
  • Efficient and Sustainable Machine Learning Focused on Computer Vision;
  • Machine Learning and Sequential Decision-Making;
  • Algorithmic Game Theory in Security;
  • Interpretable Artificial Intelligence;
  • Autonomous Agents and Alignment of Language Models [2].

According to the Director of the ELLIS Unit Warsaw Tomasz Trzcinski (PhD): The ELLIS Unit Warsaw will stand as a beacon of excellence in machine learning research and innovation in Europe, uniquely bridging the gap between academia and industry in Poland. It will be instrumental in cultivating future generations of AI innovators through specialised training and educational initiatives. Its strategic position within the ELLIS network also makes it a vital connector, fostering collaborations and exchanges between Western and Eastern European AI research communities. [3]

Long-term plans

The goal of ELLIS Warsaw is to develop solutions that have a practical impact on economies and societies and to engage Europe in the shaping of AI (artificial intelligence) and ML (machine learning). [4]


  1. ELLIS, New ELLIS unit in Warsaw joins the network,, (accessed on 20th November 2023)
  2. ELLIS Unit Warsaw,, (accessed on 20th November 2023)
  3. ELLIS, New ELLIS unit in Warsaw joins the network,, (accessed on 20th November 2023)
  4. ELLIS, About us,, (accessed on 20th November 2023)
Patryk Kukla
My primary motivation is to pursue an academic career through running research in the social psychology field. I hope that my work will have a positive impact on the academic community as well as the understanding of human nature.
Written by:

Patryk Kukla

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