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Absolwentka Instytutu Historycznego Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, doktorantka Kolegium Doktorskiego Historii Szkoły Doktorskiej Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. Stypendystka Fundacji Lanckorońskich w 2023 r.
Zainteresowania naukowe
Zainteresowania badawcze koncentruje na historii kultury czasów nowożytnych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem dziejów i relacji rodzinnych, oraz wychowania i edukacji dziecka.
Afiliacja (1 )
Uniwersytet Wrocławski
Szkoła Doktorska
Publikacje (2 )
Relacje Hieronima Wincentego Radziwiłła z Karolem Stanisławem Radziwiłłem „Panie Kochanku” w świetle korespondencji z lat 1761-1786
The purpose of this article is to present relations between stepbrothers Hieronim Wincenty Radziwiłł and Karol Stanisław Radziwiłł “Panie Kochanku”. The analysis of the sibilings’ relation is based on the correspondence between the younger and the older brothers in the years 1761-1786. The relationship between them was unique, as the brothers were separated by age, mother, and position in the family. Karol Stanisław Radziwiłł was not only a brother to Hieronim Wincenty but also a legal guardian and a great authority. Frequent correspondence, feelings expressed in it, and situations described allow us to see how important they were to each other and how close their bond was.
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Lubiły szczególnie muzykę, która część ich wychowania stanowiła”. Domowa edukacja muzyczna polskich szlachcianek epoki oświecenia
The education and upbringing of youth was one of the main issues considered by the aristocracy of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the age of the Enlightenment. A significant part of this current was music education (learning to play the instruments, singing and dancing) acknowledged as compulsory for women with reading, writing, learning foreign languages and history altogether. Every well-educated woman aristocrat could elegantly play the instrument and sing. They were gaining that knowledge primarily at home from foreign and domestic teachers. Despite the popularity of such education and constant presence of music during many noble balls, ceremonies and social arrangements, it was unfavorable in the eyes of current educational theoreticians and according to them useless. Yet memoirs offer multiple examples of delight about female musical abilities. Furthermore, music as a fundamental part of education was mentioned by women themselves; the shortcomings were punished. It seems that despite educationalists’ complaints music education of women helped them entertain noble guests with their musical talents. Woman with such skills, seeking good and affluent husbands, could successfully conquer male hearts.
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Jowita Janicka
W społeczności od 2023-05-20 17:29:55