Demography is never stationary, and when it comes to demographics, Europe is arguably the most complex and dynamic theatre of landmark tides that continue to clash and interfere. At the dawn of the new millennium, the EU has experienced the elimination of trade barriers, the establishment of the Schengen regime, and an unheard of level of political stability. These factors created a new demographic environment, where the recently isolated populations and economies began to rapidly exchange and mix together. However, this grace period of more or less peaceful exchange and demographic fluctuation is now ending: No other post Cold-War event in Europe can match the disruptive might of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine and the profoundly violent demographic implications that it caused.
These challenges of tackling demographic stagnation, mitigating exclusion for immigrant societies and forging a sensible socio-economic policy will only become more pressing in our future – and the only way to meet our various demographic challenges, is to understand them. This is why Our Future Foundation aims to produce an Edited Volume that will become a comprehensive study of various economic, social, cultural and geopolitical causes of demographic changes. A Handbook that will help us navigate towards a more demographically stable future. Aiming to welcome innovative thought leaders of global Academia, the Manuscript will be printed and published by the Coopernicus Initiative of Our Future Foundation in the Summer of 2024.
- What will be the total length of the manuscript?
~300 pages (15 – 20 papers)
- What is the expected length of submitted works?
5 000 – 8 000 words
- Who can submit their work?
The Report aims to be comprised mostly of works by doctoral students seeking to increase their publishing portfolio, however, undergraduate and postgraduate sub-missions will also be reviewed - What is the Deadline?
We invite all those interested submit their Abstract proposals by 15th of January 2024 – The successful applicants will be invited to submit their complete works by the 3rd of June 2024
- Are there any nationality or academic restrictions?
Academics and policy experts of all nationalities and all affiliations are welcome to submit their works
- What topics will be considered?
There is no set topics that need to be covered, as long as each study focuses on a problem that relates to European demographic changes.These can be approached from an economic, social, cultural or even philosophical point of view
- What is the selection process?
The selection of abstracts and the peer review process of the ready papers will be conducted by the academic experts affiliated with Our Future Foundation.
All the authors that submit their works within the deadline will be notified whether their works were selected within 3 weeks of the deadline.
Please submit your abstracts, as well as any questions to the email address
Jakub Bryjak