Artificial intelligence is one of the hottest technological topics of recent years. What was once just a figment of the imagination of the creators of science fiction novels has become a reality and already has very real and widespread applications in our daily lives. Over the past few years, we have reached a point where we have been able to construct AI systems that work autonomously or assist in human activities, to a level of comparable or surpassing precision.
In recent months, we can hear more and more about artificial intelligence, all thanks to ChatGPT technology. This algorithm has taken the whole world by surprise and, in a way, has become a trend. One can observe various reactions from the community to the emergence of such a possibility, ranging from curiosity and fascination to fear of the technology’s potential. But what exactly is this technology? Who is behind it?
OpenAI is an artificial intelligence platform that was developed in 2015. The technology aims to create and share tools for the study of broad AI and the most advanced technologies. The OpenAI project is funded by various investors, including Microsoft, Amazon Web Services and Tesla Motors. Few people know that the roots of the OpenAI platform go back to Poland. This is all thanks to Wojciech Zaremba, a native of Kluczbork. Zaremba studied at New York Univeristy and has been involved in programming for years. For several years, he worked for global technology giants and consequently became one of the founders of OpenAI in 2015. The goal of OpenAI is to stimulate the attitudinal development of AI technologies by providing the funding and infrastructure needed for research in this field and promoting open access to such tools. The platform offers assistance to smaller companies and organisations wishing to conduct research in the field of AI. Another of its goals is to promote the open and secure development of artificial intelligence to help people meet the needs of society. Open AI wants to create artificial intelligence systems that are useful for the entire population, not just a privileged few. However, the company’s main objective is to create conditions conducive to the construction of an ethically sustainable Artificial Intelligence system , as well as to prepare a strategy for the emergence of AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) – a type of artificial intelligence with similar functionality to human minds.
As the author of this text, I must confess to you that the previous paragraph was not written entirely by me… These are words generated by artificial intelligence. This shows what potential this technology has. They also seem to raise legitimate questions about the purely social and ethical issues of the whole solution.
More than seven years of development of the platform has resulted in a very large spectrum of possibilities arising from the use of the site. With the technology we can recognise images, AI can perform image processing tasks that include face detection and image identification and analysis. The platform also has a tool for building NLP or natural language processing systems. This system helps automate activities such as searching web content or generating text based on input. However, one of the main innovations seems to be the ability to work with large data sets. The OpenAI platform has a machine learning engine, making the possibilities for innovation greater every day.
The emergence of the platform, has increased discussions about the extinction of certain professions. AI can have both positive and negative effects on the labour market. On the one hand, AI can make work easier by automating repetitive tasks or generating content faster. However, there is also a concern that AI may cause job cuts for those specialising in, for example, word processing. OpenAI is a huge step forward in the development of artificial intelligence. Undoubtedly, OpenAI will have a huge impact on our lives every day and the positive effects of its use can already be seen. However, along with the benefits come just as many questions full of doubts, for example about the future of the labour market.
- The Brilliance and Weirdness of ChatGPT, The New York Times, Kevin Roose,
- AI Chatbots are getting better, But an interview With ChatGPT Rebeals Their Limits, Time, Billy Perrigo,
- ChatGPT is less wowed by itself than we are, Financial Times, John Thornhill,
- Polak z Kluczborka stoi za ChatGPT, Ta sztuczna inteligencja podbija świat, Rzeczypospolita, Michał Duszczyk,
Radosław Miadiełko