Proud of being Poles - read the new issue of the Coopernicus Quarterly!
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23 October, 2023
Evolution of violence. Discoveries from the Middle East

Recent archaeological research on violence in the ancient Near East draws a new perspective on

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09 October, 2023
Journey to the past – a peek into family relations of the 18th century.

Jowita Janicka - the Institute of History at the University of Wrocław graduate and a

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20 April, 2023
Digging through the archives – reconstruction of Polish memory

The research carried out by UNESCO clearly shows that Polish archives suffered the greatest losses as a result of their dispersion around the world. International projects made it possible to find and make the most valuable sources public, which, however, posed another question for Poland - how to use them?

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18 April, 2023
Critical Heritage Studies – fascinating initiative of the Jagiellonian University academic group

Critical Heritage Studies CRITICAL, but what is this criticism about? In the Kantian understanding, it

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28 March, 2023
About Polish women who changed the world– March as a month of women’s history

Women's History Month It is broadly known that the celebration of World Women's Day falls

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